Join us as we mobilize Californians to remove Governor Gavin Newsom because of his dismal failure to address the state’s rising debt, crime rates, homeless issues, and a failing education system.

Join us as we mobilize Californians to remove Governor Gavin Newsom because of his dismal failure to address the state’s rising debt, crime rates, homeless issues, and a failing education system.

Fellow Californian:
Yes, it’s true. We are going after Gavin Newsom again!
How can we not recall this sad excuse for a Governor again when our great Golden State continues to sink into a cesspool of debt, crime, homelessness, runaway housing costs, and collapsing infrastructure? After all, isn’t he largely responsible for the catastrophe California finds itself in today?
Prior recall attempts failed for a number of reasons and there’s no need to revisit them here. The fact is Newsom is in office until 2027 and can still do enormously more damage if he’s not removed.
Steve Garvey’s strong showing in the March primary and the fact that Newsom’s approval rating according to a recent PPIC poll is underwater, gives us hope that the tide is finally turning. In addition, recalling Newsom now will require far fewer signatures than last time.
So, where are we as a state? Do we need a trip down memory lane:
- We have a $70 billion budget deficit under Newsom. That means slashing programs and raising your taxes…a lot.
- As a payoff to his developer donors, Newsom is abolishing single-family housing in California, green-lighting the construction of densely-populated, low-income high-rise apartment buildings next door to your home.
- Newsom is planning to use your utility rates as a wealth transfer scheme, handing your tax returns over to PG&E and base your rates not on usage, but income!
- Newsom’s crazy $20 minimum wage for fast food workers is now making McDonald’s unaffordable and costing the jobs of thousands of teenagers and young people just entering the work force.
- Smash-and-grab crime permeates our major cities, with looters attacking everything from giant chains to Mom and Pop stores.
- Our largest cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles are now open sewers, ruled by vagrants and the homeless industry while “squatters” are now invading private residences.
- Illegal immigrants, including dangerous criminals and bloodthirsty gang members, are being handed every benefit in the book while citizens of California can’t afford groceries, the mortgage, or a college education.
- The price of housing is so astronomical that most young people have written off any idea of ever owning their own home in this state.
- Chronic water shortages, water rationing and electrical blackouts despite generous rains.
- And, the schools…It’s not enough they are the worst in the nation, but now we have drag queen shows in kindergarten and Gender Queer in school libraries!
Is it any wonder that California has lost a net of 2.2 million residents between 2010 and 2022? That’s right, 8.5 million people just left while only 6.3 million moved here.
We at Recall Newsom 2024 will be running an educational and public relations campaign to inform Californians of Newsom’s atrocious record and to encourage voters to sign the new recall petitions. We are not directly involved with the circulation of petitions or collection of signatures. We are leaving that to the good folks at Rescue California and Rebuild California.
Instead, we will be producing brochures, mailers, videos, YouTube, Facebook, and other digital and broadcast ads to support the Recall and expose Gavin Newsom. In a huge state like California, it costs millions to reach voters across different forms of media. It’s our aim to keep Newsom off-balance with new and fresh advertising targeted to the state’s biggest population centers and media markets, especially focusing on independent voters.
Please remember that Gavin Newsom desperately wants to be President. He may still be recruited to replace Joe Biden on the Democrat ticket this summer. If that fails, he is setting himself up to run in 2028. The more we can do to weaken him here in California, the less likely it is that he can ever be a viable national candidate.
Will you join us in our effort to shut down Gavin Newsom and his national ambitions once and for all? Will you consider a contribution of $5,000, $1,000 or $500, $100 or whatever you can afford to stop him?
As part of this campaign, we will be informing you periodically of our advertising plans and budgets and sharing with you videos, brochures, and digital ads so you can see that your money is being put to good use.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Recall Newsom 2024
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